Sunday, December 29, 2019

Improving Society Through Individuals Essay - 876 Words

Improving Society Through Individuals Starting in the late seventeen hundreds and continuing into the nineteenth century, England underwent a period of industrialization and urbanization, referred to as the Industrial Revolution. During this time, life became more difficult for a large majority of the citizens and hardships began to pile one on top of another. In the book Hard Times, by Charles Dickens, the lives and relationships of a range of people from this time are illustrated in order to demonstrate the nature of this society. Dickens uses the fictitious characters in Hard Times as examples of the varying degrees of inequality and misfortune, as well as the personifications of different schools of thought during the nineteenth†¦show more content†¦However, he is eventually humbled by the fact that his most prominent students essentially destroy him through their own faults. He is left to â€Å"mistrust [himself]† and the ideals which he so fervently advocated (Dickens, 221). Another example is his allusion to the upper class being relatively apathetic. Mr. Harthouse exemplifies this assertion. He spends his life moving, never really committing his whole mind or heart to one pursuit. Whenever he gets bored or unhappy, he leaves or â€Å"[goes] in† for something else (Dickens, 129). Mrs. Sparsit is another testimony to this assumption. It is merely for her being â€Å"a born lady† that she is treated with the respect with which she is treated (Dickens, 78). She does practically no work and yet enjoys all of the luxuries that could possibly be bestowed upon her. Bounderby likewise enjoys the respect of the entire town because of his high position. They both fail to recognize, or rather do not care to recognize the struggles and hardships of others. Dickens portrays his perception of the industrialization through the lives of the working class and much of the scenic descriptions in the book. Stephen Blackpool’s predicament involving his fellow â€Å"Hands† and the union, shows the way in which working class people have very little choice about their moral decisions if they should hope to keep their jobs andShow MoreRelatedTraditional vs Modern Society958 Words   |  4 Pagesmember of a traditional society would feel as though there are many advantages of his or her type of society as opposed to modern society. A member of a traditional society would feel as though modern society has quite a few flaws. Traditional society focuses more towards the improvement of society as a whole rather than focusing on self and personal gain. There are many comparisons between the two societies that can be made that show the differences in beliefs held by each society. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Transformation in Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong Essay

Transformation in Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong In Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong, Tim OBrien gives a dynamic example of how even the deep roots of ones culture can be modified. The focus is on the young lady, whose boyfriend manages to have her shipped over to Vietnam from the U.S. She is then thrown into a completely foreign culture that thousands of American GIs were experiencing. This change in culture affected the strongest and most skilled of Americas ground troops. The affects on a civilian are almost unfathomable. The sweetheart of the story is a young, American girl whose description identifies her as the stereotypical girl of the late 60s early 70s. A tall, big-boned blonde,/long legs and blue eyes and a†¦show more content†¦No cosmetics, no fingernail filing. She stopped wearing jewelry, cut her hair short and wrapped it in a dark green bandana. Hygiene was a matter of small consequence. (98). The bush had done to her what it had done to so many American soldiers. She had no idea how to survive in the conditions that she had taken on, but she learned. She learned how to disassemble an M-16, how the various parts worked,/ how to use the weapon/ she had a real knack for it./ In many ways she remained naà ¯ve and immature, still a kid, but Cleveland Heights now seemed very far away. (98). These changes were dramatic, but not extreme or drastic. However, the next few changes would be too much for Mark to handle. Twice/ she came in late at night. Very late. And then finally she did not come in at all. (99). Mark became worried that she might be sleeping with someone else. He woke up Rat and him go check out the barracks to see if Mary Anne was with any of the guys. All accounted for. No extras. (101). Then they got the idea that she was with the Greenies and she was, in a way. Mary Anne was out on Ambush with the Green Berets. Poor Mark Fossie tried to talk some sense into her, but it was to no avail. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Critical Analysis of the Literature Free-Samples-Myassignment

Question: Discuss about the Conduct a Critical Analysis of the Literature. Answer: Introduction For any person to conduct a proper review of literature and report on the relevant research issues it is always important to conduct various research focused background when it comes to getting the relevant information. A good literature review should be able to report on what has been done on the topic and identify gaps on related literature. Steps For post graduate students, conducting a literature review is usually one that involves conducting the project itself. It is very vital that the individual student showcase the skills of interpretation, understanding, clarity of thought, analysis and develop an argument from that(Cozby Bates, 2011). The procedure that the student will use in reporting that review is also very important in the whole research. This is because it will enable to student develop their own thought about the study and establish a framework which will be used in presenting an analysis and findings. The fast step of conducting a literature review is to first be able to have state the objectives of the research problem. This will enable the student to come up with a focus for the kind of resources he will be looking for in the review(Creswell, 2013). It should be clear to the student that they need to be up to dat with the relevant works of others, the research questions should also be relevant to the research problem. It should be more realistic in identifying the gaps from the previous studies. The steps to follow when identifying the literature review is to evaluate the quality and relevance of what you put yourself down to read. This will enable you as a researcher to focuss more on the research problem further. For example according to the university of Canberra guidelines one can be able to do this by first of all defining the specific thesis problem in the research. This can also be done well by looking at the research problem as discussed above, this will help in seeking data related to the question(Chen, et al., 2016). It is also good to ask oneself the type of literature review one is conducting. For example, are you looking for facts or theories related to the research questions. What are the methodologies involved, will the entire research be qualitative or quantitative. The scope of literature review should also be identified and the types of publications that will be used in the entire research(Fink, 2005). For example, literature can be found from journals, gov ernment documents, books, electronic website links and popular media. It is also important to know the discipline of the research question like psychology, sociology, nursing, Human resource or medicine. Conclusion Lastly it is important to identify the referencing and citation styles that you will be using throughout the research process. Referencing style helps shape up the paper and provide evidence for defending your research project. The focus area is also important and the setting of the whole research design. It is important for any researcher to make it clear on the focus, whether he will begin with a narrow focus onwards or vice versa. If all the above steps are consider, then the research work will be controllable all through References Chen, D., Wang, Y. Lee, W., 2016. Challenges confronting beginning researchers in conducting literature reviews. Studies in Continuing Education, 38(1), pp. 47-60. Cozby, P. Bates, S., 2011. Methods in Behavioral Research. 11 edition ed. s.l.:McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages. Creswell, J. W., 2013. Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches (Crewell, Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches). 4 ed. NY: SAGE Publications. Fink, A., 2005. Conducting research literature reviews: from the Internet to paper, 2nd edn,. 2 ed. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Sage Publications.